Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sustainability blurb

In any start-up there are always questions and choices. Do we go with proven and tried models? or do we try to improve and "re-invent the wheel"?. As Lisa and I discuss choices in roasting equipment, green coffee bean selection, and more recently packaging materials for our coffee; we've come to realize that there is a third voice in all of our conversations: Sustainability.
We strongly believe in the power of businesses to drive innovation, implement ethical choices, improve people's lives (beside's the owners) and change the status quo.

When we think the role of sustainability in our everyday business choices we are considering all these factors, besides the typical obsession with the bottom line. Most people know the analogy of sustainability as a three legged stool, where the three legs are needed to sustain it (Society, Environment, Economy). The third voice in our conversations, is then, a filter through which we will define success only by considering a "triple bottom line" (People, Profit and Planet).

The practical implications of this triple bottom line approach mean that given these options:

a) good for our wallet, bad for planet, socially unfair (mass produced coffee)
b) good for our wallet, socially responsible but bad for the environment (fair trade/non-organic)
c) promotes conservation, socially responsible, provides our income.
(Bird Friendly, Organic, Fair Trade, Same Continent Origin)

We will make choices striving to attain the latter bracket. I emphazise striving because we believe that sustainability is a never ending quest to attain the ideal balance, while realistically we know that there are some limitations to implement this view at all times (There are currently no societies or businesses that are 100% sustainable).

The challenge regarding sustainability for a business then is, to do what we can today, while ensuring to survive the market, so we can continue improving tomorrow.

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